BROKER CALL - Ping An H-share target price raised to 88 hkd - Citigroup2008-4-30 12:21:00 p.m. HKT, XFNA
Citigroup raised its target price for the Hong Kong-listed H-shares of Ping An Insurance (Group) Co of China Ltd to 88 hkd from 78.50 and reiterated its "buy" call after the insurer reported better-than-expected first quarter results. "The strong earnings came from lower-than-expected policy liability costs due to superior product management strategy where Ping An has been avoiding bancassurance and reducing reliance on 'spread' income," the brokerage said. It also noted strong general cost controls by Ping An. Ping An's first quarter to March net profit rose 23.6 pct to 7.1 bln due to expansion in its insurance, banking and securities business lines. This was in stark contrast to China Life Insurance Co Ltd's more than 50 pct net profit decline in the same period. "The results continued to highlight the advantages of Ping An's unique diversified financial operating model," Citigroup said. It raised its 2008 and 2009 earnings forecasts for Ping An by 10 pct and 4 pct respectively. Amid the A-share market correction, Ping An's net asset value (NAV) fell by just 9 pct quarter-on-quarter, easing the fear that overall embedded value growth from new business will be wiped out by NAV losses due to falling A-share markets, Citigroup said. "Ping An remains our preferred pick in regional insurance space. We reiterate our view that Ping An's expanding agency force will continue to deliver strong new business value growth in 2008 while its focus on universal life and less reliance on bancassurance products will see less margin squeeze pressure when compared to its peers," Citigroup said. It forecasts over 30 pct new business value growth for Ping An in 2008.
Dedicated to those who truly believe in Global Local, seeking investment opportunities abroad especially mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. 立足大马 放眼世界 见证中国的崛起 捉紧投资大中华的机会!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
China Power Producers....Tariff Hike??
STOCK ALERT - China power firms surge in Hong Kong on tariff hike approval hopes2008-4-24 11:18:00 a.m. HKT, XFNA
China power producers were sharply higher on speculation that Beijing will eventually allow a tariff hike as most firms are struggling with cost pressures stemming from rising coal prices. At 10:46 am, Huaneng Power was up 0.45 hkd or 7.91 pct at 6.14, Datang Power was up 0.32 hkd or 6.3 pct at 5.4, Huadian Power was up 0.18 hkd or 7.76 pct at 2.5 and China Resources Power was up 1.56 pct at 9.27 pct at 18.38. Analysts said reasons for a tariff hike in China are compelling as electricity producers are facing a squeeze in profit margins as coal prices and other operating costs continue to rise. "Speculation on a stamp duty cut (on stock market transactions) in China has been circulating for weeks and it did come true. Rumors about a tariff hike might come true as well," said Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities. China yesterday announced a cut in stamp duty on stock market transactions to 0.1 pct from 0.3 pct, meeting market expectations. Electricity firms have been lobbying the government to make adjustments to retail guided prices of electric power, but their pleas have been ignored so far due to high inflation.
China power producers were sharply higher on speculation that Beijing will eventually allow a tariff hike as most firms are struggling with cost pressures stemming from rising coal prices. At 10:46 am, Huaneng Power was up 0.45 hkd or 7.91 pct at 6.14, Datang Power was up 0.32 hkd or 6.3 pct at 5.4, Huadian Power was up 0.18 hkd or 7.76 pct at 2.5 and China Resources Power was up 1.56 pct at 9.27 pct at 18.38. Analysts said reasons for a tariff hike in China are compelling as electricity producers are facing a squeeze in profit margins as coal prices and other operating costs continue to rise. "Speculation on a stamp duty cut (on stock market transactions) in China has been circulating for weeks and it did come true. Rumors about a tariff hike might come true as well," said Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities. China yesterday announced a cut in stamp duty on stock market transactions to 0.1 pct from 0.3 pct, meeting market expectations. Electricity firms have been lobbying the government to make adjustments to retail guided prices of electric power, but their pleas have been ignored so far due to high inflation.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Guangshen Railway(525.HK)

a bit late...but now is only HKD4.47. The result will be announced very soon. See u at HKD5.20!
STOCK ALERT- Guangshen Railway sharply higher on strong positive 2007 guidance 2008-1-21 10:55:00 a.m. HKT, XFNA
- HONG KONG (XFN-ASIA) - Guangshen Railway Co Ltd was sharply higher after forecasting 100 pct net profit growth for 2007. At 10:39 am, shares of Guangshen Railway were trading up 0.28 hkd or 5.11 pct at 5.76, off a high of 5.83. Guangshen Rail said in a statement filed with the Shanghai Stock Exchange that its 2007 net profit is estimated to have risen about 100 pct, boosted by asset injections from its parent. The company posted a net profit of 710.87 mln yuan and earnings per share of 0.10 yuan in 2006.
STOCK ALERT- Guangshen Railway sharply higher on strong positive 2007 guidance 2008-1-21 10:55:00 a.m. HKT, XFNA
- HONG KONG (XFN-ASIA) - Guangshen Railway Co Ltd was sharply higher after forecasting 100 pct net profit growth for 2007. At 10:39 am, shares of Guangshen Railway were trading up 0.28 hkd or 5.11 pct at 5.76, off a high of 5.83. Guangshen Rail said in a statement filed with the Shanghai Stock Exchange that its 2007 net profit is estimated to have risen about 100 pct, boosted by asset injections from its parent. The company posted a net profit of 710.87 mln yuan and earnings per share of 0.10 yuan in 2006.
China Agri (606.HK) TP:HKD 7
China Agri-Industries target price raised to 7 hkd - Goldman Sachs2008-4-17 04:10:00 p.m. HKT, XFNA
Goldman Sachs has raised its target price on China Agri-Industries Holding Ltd (606.HK) to 7 hkd from 6.7 while maintaining its "buy" call on the mainland-based agricultural products producer, citing higher earnings forecasts. Goldman raised its 2008 and 2009 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for the company by 20 pct and 16 pct, respectively, to 1.76 bln and 1.92 bln hkd, factoring in the expected recovery of unrealized losses and capacity expansion. Goldman noted that China Agri-Industries remained positive about its 2008 earnings as it has hedged the costs of its oilseed processing business. It also adopted a flexible subsidy mechanism to reduce margin volatility on its biofuel business, the brokerage said. Moreover, its new biofuel and biochem plants should contribute more to its earnings from 2008 while capacity expansion being extended to other divisions as well, Goldman said. China Agri-Industries reported yesterday that its 2007 net profit rose 46 pct year-on-year to 1.1 bln hkd, 7 pct below Goldman's estimate. However, the net profit included an unrealized loss of 381 mln hkd from hedging activities in its oilseed processing business. The company said it expects to fully recover the unrealized loss in the first half of this year. At 3.50 pm, shares of China Agri-Industries were trading up 0.15 hkd or 2.87 pct at 5.38.
Goldman Sachs has raised its target price on China Agri-Industries Holding Ltd (606.HK) to 7 hkd from 6.7 while maintaining its "buy" call on the mainland-based agricultural products producer, citing higher earnings forecasts. Goldman raised its 2008 and 2009 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for the company by 20 pct and 16 pct, respectively, to 1.76 bln and 1.92 bln hkd, factoring in the expected recovery of unrealized losses and capacity expansion. Goldman noted that China Agri-Industries remained positive about its 2008 earnings as it has hedged the costs of its oilseed processing business. It also adopted a flexible subsidy mechanism to reduce margin volatility on its biofuel business, the brokerage said. Moreover, its new biofuel and biochem plants should contribute more to its earnings from 2008 while capacity expansion being extended to other divisions as well, Goldman said. China Agri-Industries reported yesterday that its 2007 net profit rose 46 pct year-on-year to 1.1 bln hkd, 7 pct below Goldman's estimate. However, the net profit included an unrealized loss of 381 mln hkd from hedging activities in its oilseed processing business. The company said it expects to fully recover the unrealized loss in the first half of this year. At 3.50 pm, shares of China Agri-Industries were trading up 0.15 hkd or 2.87 pct at 5.38.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Warren Buffet's words of wisdom...

●企業主須了解其利益,乃來自於企業內在價值(Intrinsic Value)的成長,而不是其持有股票之短期波動。
●企業主須了解其利益,乃來自於企業內在價值(Intrinsic Value)的成長,而不是其持有股票之短期波動。
●在購併General RE公司後,賣掉其所持有獲利不菲價值四十六億美金的美國零息公債後,債券仍持續大漲時,巴菲特淡淡地表示:「我們投入的早,不過賣得更早了一點」。
●Phil Graham在擔任華盛頓郵報的發行人時曾說:「新聞日報是攥寫歷史的第一手草稿」,而很不幸的,產險業者所提供的年度財務報告,也可稱得上是該公司年度財務與經營狀況的第一手草稿。
●Phil Graham在擔任華盛頓郵報的發行人時曾說:「新聞日報是攥寫歷史的第一手草稿」,而很不幸的,產險業者所提供的年度財務報告,也可稱得上是該公司年度財務與經營狀況的第一手草稿。
●巴菲特表示,「除非有足夠的補償,否則查理(Charlie Munger,巴菲特倚重的左右手)和我即使連最小的風險都不願承受。活到現在,我們所承受過的最大風險,是吃下過期一天的乳酪。」
●巴菲特在1985年結束波克夏紡織部門營運時,曾解釋道︰「我們不會因為想要將企業的獲利數字增加一個百分點,便結束比較不賺錢的事業,但同時我們也覺得只因公司非常賺錢便無條件去支持一項完全不具前景的投資的作法不太妥當,亞當 史密斯一定不贊同我第一項的看法,而卡爾 馬克斯卻又會反對我第二項見解,而採行中庸之道是惟一能讓我感到安心的作法。」
●巴菲特表示,「除非有足夠的補償,否則查理(Charlie Munger,巴菲特倚重的左右手)和我即使連最小的風險都不願承受。活到現在,我們所承受過的最大風險,是吃下過期一天的乳酪。」
●巴菲特在1985年結束波克夏紡織部門營運時,曾解釋道︰「我們不會因為想要將企業的獲利數字增加一個百分點,便結束比較不賺錢的事業,但同時我們也覺得只因公司非常賺錢便無條件去支持一項完全不具前景的投資的作法不太妥當,亞當 史密斯一定不贊同我第一項的看法,而卡爾 馬克斯卻又會反對我第二項見解,而採行中庸之道是惟一能讓我感到安心的作法。」
●巴菲特︰ 「恩師葛拉漢曾說︰短期來看市場是個投票機器,但長期來看則是個體重計。」
●巴菲特說︰ 「一份強勢報紙的經濟實力是無與倫比的,也是世上最強勢的經濟力量之一。」;「一家典型的報社可將旗下發行報紙售價調高一倍,而仍保有百分之九十的讀者。」
●對於聯邦住宅抵押貸款公司佛萊迪麥克(Freddie Mac)的看法,巴菲特說︰「雙獨佔僅次於壟斷。」
●有人質疑巴菲特的投資策略只是運氣好而已,他講了一個有關*機率*的故事回答它們︰「一群豬共有128000隻,分別來自全世界各農場舉行丟銅板比賽,投出正面的晉級,投出反面的淘汰,經過九回合後,只剩下250隻豬晉級,有人認為那250隻豬只是運氣好而 已」巴菲特接著又說︰「如果你發現晉級的250隻豬有200隻全是某農場來的,那你就必須問︰那個農場餵豬的飼料有沒有特別之處?」
●巴菲特︰ 「恩師葛拉漢曾說︰短期來看市場是個投票機器,但長期來看則是個體重計。」
●巴菲特說︰ 「一份強勢報紙的經濟實力是無與倫比的,也是世上最強勢的經濟力量之一。」;「一家典型的報社可將旗下發行報紙售價調高一倍,而仍保有百分之九十的讀者。」
●對於聯邦住宅抵押貸款公司佛萊迪麥克(Freddie Mac)的看法,巴菲特說︰「雙獨佔僅次於壟斷。」
●有人質疑巴菲特的投資策略只是運氣好而已,他講了一個有關*機率*的故事回答它們︰「一群豬共有128000隻,分別來自全世界各農場舉行丟銅板比賽,投出正面的晉級,投出反面的淘汰,經過九回合後,只剩下250隻豬晉級,有人認為那250隻豬只是運氣好而 已」巴菲特接著又說︰「如果你發現晉級的250隻豬有200隻全是某農場來的,那你就必須問︰那個農場餵豬的飼料有沒有特別之處?」
●巴菲特推許奧美廣告創辦人的管理哲學~ 「如果我們雇用一堆比我們矮小的人,那麼我們會變成一堆侏儒, 但相反地若我們雇用一堆比我們高大的人,那麼我們終將變成一群巨人」 巴菲特小故事...
●巴菲特說︰「我對1929年的股市大崩盤感受特別深刻,當時我父親是個股票營業員,為了躲避慘遭套牢的客戶,只好整天窩在家裏,而你知道那時電視還不是那麼地普及,所以…嗯…我母親大概就是那時後懷了我,大約九個月後,我於1930年的八月三十聒聒落地。」 外界評語...
●浮華世界(Vanity Fair)︰「他最重要的工作就是管理他對別人的影響。」
●巴菲特推許奧美廣告創辦人的管理哲學~ 「如果我們雇用一堆比我們矮小的人,那麼我們會變成一堆侏儒, 但相反地若我們雇用一堆比我們高大的人,那麼我們終將變成一群巨人」 巴菲特小故事...
●巴菲特說︰「我對1929年的股市大崩盤感受特別深刻,當時我父親是個股票營業員,為了躲避慘遭套牢的客戶,只好整天窩在家裏,而你知道那時電視還不是那麼地普及,所以…嗯…我母親大概就是那時後懷了我,大約九個月後,我於1930年的八月三十聒聒落地。」 外界評語...
●浮華世界(Vanity Fair)︰「他最重要的工作就是管理他對別人的影響。」
●史坦普(S & P)︰「波克夏是二十世紀最典型的投資成功故事。」
●微軟比爾蓋茲說︰「他在撰寫擁抱未來(The Road Ahead)這本書時,就是把巴菲特這種不懂高科技的人當作心目中的讀者。」
●富比士雜誌發行人富比士說︰「所羅門如果沒有巴菲特的拔刀相助,一定會落得萬劫不復,無疑的是巴菲特拯就了所羅門。」 假如仔細留意巴菲特所說的話,也許未必能完全跟他一樣,但至少可以增長智慧,藉此我們或許可以成為一個更機伶、更沉穩的投資者。
CHINA Will be # 1 by 2017

China will return to the top, as #1 economy by 2017. On what basis will China return to the top? Not by the misleading per capita income, but by PPP adjusted for existing balance sheet and income statement basis, which better reflects the true health of an economy. I’m pleasantly surprised others mentioned PPP. Usually, the people talking economic will use GDP per capita as their best and only argument, like that covers everything. But GDP per capita leaves out many very important details, that are salient to calculating the real economic healthy of a country. Don’t confuse the size of an economy with the health of an economy. The most often quoted number is $35,000 per capita income in US. That sounds great if that is the only information you know. But once you factor in the debts of $8.4 trillion, unfunded liabilities between $45-$70 trillion, and the current population of US at about 300 million, the per capita debts is between $178,000 to $261,000 per US person, making the $35,000 income per capita look like chump change. Some people don’t know the debt numbers so they gain false solace thinking everything is great. Some other people know the debt numbers but ignore it, since truth isn’t what they want to present. USA has an illusion of wealth built largely on debt, from government, private sector, business sector, consumer credit, mortgages, etc. But Central Bankers around the world are increasingly alarmed at these obscene debt ratios, and are beginning to slow down purchases of dollars, and rebalancing their portfolio away. Beyond GDP, a PPP adjustment improves the economic forecasting. Other factors to take into account are the balance sheet and income statement items, specifically, all outstanding forms of debts, and deficits. Since China has very low debts, and very high savings (about 45% of GDP), it has attracted many in the world to do business with it, since other countries can see domestic consumption by China, as a way to buttress their own economy. Focus only on GDP per capita income, is misleading, since the health of an economy is much more than just that. China accounted for almost 25% of the world’s economy in 1800’s, and was the number one world economy back then. History will repeat, as China will return to the top this century. China is already the second largest economy in terms of PPP. If you factor in real balance sheet and income statement items with PPP, China will be the number one economy around 2017, and perhaps even sooner. Why? US is stuck with huge and increasing debts, as a result of fiscal and monetary irresponsibility by the government, and stuck with higher cost post 9/11 to cope with terrorism and homeland security. When Bush took office, the national debts were about $6 trillion. It’s now currently about $8.4 trillion, and at current deficits, it will be $9 trillion by the end of this year. This doesn’t even including the off balance sheet, as additional cost for the war on terror. The projected cost for just the unfunded liabilities from Social Security and Medicare, is estimated at $45-$70 trillion dollars (Range has to do with actuarial assumptions and whether the baby boomers will all live to, or beyond their actuarial life. This is possible since medical science is improving life expectancy). In summary: Some economist project China becoming the number one economy by 2017, not on a misleading per capita basis, but on a more accurate PPP with balance sheet and income statement basis, since GDP doesn’t pay the bills, revenues do. PPP, balance sheet, and income statement are better as it reflects revenues and expense, liabilities and assets. When you factor in these items, 2017 is not only possible, but as US debts continue to skyrocket, economist should revisit the 2017 projection, and revise it to reflect the additional cost post 9/11. ( ChinaDaily)
Friday, April 18, 2008
PetroChina H-shares fall on cloudy earnings outlook2008-4-18
HONG KONG (XFN-ASIA) - PetroChina's H-shares in Hong Kong were sharply lower as its A-shares in Shanghai fell below its initial public offering price of 16.70 yuan for the first time since its debut on the mainland bourse last October. Dealers said pressures on PetroChina's shares in the Hong Kong and Shanghai markets may continue in the near term as its earnings prospects this year are clouded by losses in its refining operations and a levy which it pays the government for its oil output. Pressures on its earnings are ongoing despite the continuing uptrend in crude oil prices. At 11.15 am, PetroChina's H-shares were trading down 0.16 hkd or 1.58 pct at 9.94, off a low of 9.84. The Hang Seng index was up 130.9 points or 0.54 pct at 24,389.86. At 10.11 am, PetroChina's A-shares were down 1.6 pct at 16.60 yuan. "PetroChina is the biggest component stock in Shanghai and it is among the first that is targeted by investors in the event of any general downtrend or uptrend in that market," said Gideon Lo, an analyst at DBS Vickers. "Its continuing weakness in Shanghai and underperformance in Hong Kong relative to CNOOC and Sinopec is due to a view that its earnings this year will come under significant pressures despite the fact that crude oil prices remain at high levels," he said. "Chinese government policies are largely being blamed for PetroChina's predicament. Unlike Sinopec, which has already been allocated a government subsidy of over 10 bln yuan for its oil refining losses, there are no signs as yet that PetroChina will receive similar assistance," he said. "PetroChina also hardly benefits from the prevailing high crude oil prices because it has to pay the government a levy of 40 pct if crude oil price is above 40 usd per barrel," he said. Lo said the Chinese government appears to have taken the view that PetroChina should be able to offset losses in its downstream operations from revenue that it generates from its upstream business. "CNOOC is a pure upstream play and it is expected to benefit the most from the crude oil uptrend. In the case of Sinopec, its oil refining losses are mitigated by substantial amounts of subsidy from the government," he said. "PetroChina is in a relatively poorer situation as it is largely left to fend for itself - that's why most fund managers like CNOOC and Sinopec (rather) than PetroChina in many instances," he said. Lo noted that PetroChina's A-share performance does not always have a direct correlation to its counterpart in Hong Kong. "But there are times, like today, when bearish sentiment towards PetroChina's A-shares can pull down its H-shares in Hong Kong," he said.
HONG KONG (XFN-ASIA) - PetroChina's H-shares in Hong Kong were sharply lower as its A-shares in Shanghai fell below its initial public offering price of 16.70 yuan for the first time since its debut on the mainland bourse last October. Dealers said pressures on PetroChina's shares in the Hong Kong and Shanghai markets may continue in the near term as its earnings prospects this year are clouded by losses in its refining operations and a levy which it pays the government for its oil output. Pressures on its earnings are ongoing despite the continuing uptrend in crude oil prices. At 11.15 am, PetroChina's H-shares were trading down 0.16 hkd or 1.58 pct at 9.94, off a low of 9.84. The Hang Seng index was up 130.9 points or 0.54 pct at 24,389.86. At 10.11 am, PetroChina's A-shares were down 1.6 pct at 16.60 yuan. "PetroChina is the biggest component stock in Shanghai and it is among the first that is targeted by investors in the event of any general downtrend or uptrend in that market," said Gideon Lo, an analyst at DBS Vickers. "Its continuing weakness in Shanghai and underperformance in Hong Kong relative to CNOOC and Sinopec is due to a view that its earnings this year will come under significant pressures despite the fact that crude oil prices remain at high levels," he said. "Chinese government policies are largely being blamed for PetroChina's predicament. Unlike Sinopec, which has already been allocated a government subsidy of over 10 bln yuan for its oil refining losses, there are no signs as yet that PetroChina will receive similar assistance," he said. "PetroChina also hardly benefits from the prevailing high crude oil prices because it has to pay the government a levy of 40 pct if crude oil price is above 40 usd per barrel," he said. Lo said the Chinese government appears to have taken the view that PetroChina should be able to offset losses in its downstream operations from revenue that it generates from its upstream business. "CNOOC is a pure upstream play and it is expected to benefit the most from the crude oil uptrend. In the case of Sinopec, its oil refining losses are mitigated by substantial amounts of subsidy from the government," he said. "PetroChina is in a relatively poorer situation as it is largely left to fend for itself - that's why most fund managers like CNOOC and Sinopec (rather) than PetroChina in many instances," he said. Lo noted that PetroChina's A-share performance does not always have a direct correlation to its counterpart in Hong Kong. "But there are times, like today, when bearish sentiment towards PetroChina's A-shares can pull down its H-shares in Hong Kong," he said.
Friday, April 11, 2008
China Resources Power is "Top Pick" among..
BROKER CALL - China Resources Power 'top pick' on cost controls -
Citigroup has selected Hong Kong-listed China Resources Power ("buy/low risk") as its "top pick" in the independent power producer segment as it is better able to control spiraling coal costs. The brokerage predicted in a note to investors that average net profits among Chinese independent power producers would fall by 38 pct year-on-year in 2008. It said that consensus earnings predictions for this year were "too optimistic" because they failed to fully account for coal price rises and also assumed that the government would step in and raise state-set power tariffs in the second half of the year. Results for the first quarter are also expected to lead to a period of instability among Chinese power stocks, and will probably lead to cuts in earnings forecasts, Citigroup said. Shanghai-listed Huadian Energy has already issued a profit warning for the first quarter because of rising coal prices, lower utilization rates and the government's refusal to raise tariffs, Citigroup said, and other companies in the sector are likely to follow suit. Citigroup has rated Huadian Energy's Hong Kong-listed sister company, Huadian Power International, at "sell" with a target price of 2.20 hkd. It closed trade today at 2.17 hkd. Its target price for China Resources Power stands at 23 hkd. The stock closed up 0.26 hkd or 1.53 pct at 17.24.
Citigroup has selected Hong Kong-listed China Resources Power ("buy/low risk") as its "top pick" in the independent power producer segment as it is better able to control spiraling coal costs. The brokerage predicted in a note to investors that average net profits among Chinese independent power producers would fall by 38 pct year-on-year in 2008. It said that consensus earnings predictions for this year were "too optimistic" because they failed to fully account for coal price rises and also assumed that the government would step in and raise state-set power tariffs in the second half of the year. Results for the first quarter are also expected to lead to a period of instability among Chinese power stocks, and will probably lead to cuts in earnings forecasts, Citigroup said. Shanghai-listed Huadian Energy has already issued a profit warning for the first quarter because of rising coal prices, lower utilization rates and the government's refusal to raise tariffs, Citigroup said, and other companies in the sector are likely to follow suit. Citigroup has rated Huadian Energy's Hong Kong-listed sister company, Huadian Power International, at "sell" with a target price of 2.20 hkd. It closed trade today at 2.17 hkd. Its target price for China Resources Power stands at 23 hkd. The stock closed up 0.26 hkd or 1.53 pct at 17.24.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
PetroChina cut to "SELL"TP HKD 9
HONG KONG (Thomson Financial) - Citigroup said Thursday it has cut its rating on PetroChina Co to "sell" from "hold" as it expects the oil producer to incur greater losses in its refining division given the high oil price environment. Citi reduced PetroChina's earnings per share estimate for 2008 by 15.4 percent and for 2009 by 5.5 percent. "While higher oil prices will drive higher E&P [exploration and production] division earnings, we expect this to be more than offset by higher losses in PetroChina's refining division," said Citi analyst Graham Cunningham in a note to investors. The brokerage also cut its target price on the stock to HK$9 from HK$10.26. Shares in PetroChina fell 2.7 percent to HK$9.98 in the morning session after international crude oil prices topped $112 per barrel for the first time last night. The Hong Kong-listed arm of China's biggest oil producer announced last month a lower-than-expected 2.4 percent increase in its 2007 earnings. PetroChina booked an operating loss of 20.7 billion yuan from its refining business because of the widening gap between global crude oil prices and the regulated prices of refined products in China. First-quarter earnings are also expected to disappoint due to high refining losses, said Cunningham. The breakeven point for PetroChina's refining segment is $66-$67 per barrel of oil. The company earlier said that for every $1 rise in the crude oil price above that breakeven point, PetroChina will suffer a full-year loss of 32.4 billion yuan from its refining segment. (not very convincing!!)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Worst is not over yet...
HONG KONG (Thomson Financial) - Hong Kong shares closed a skittish session lower on Wednesday after a slump in the mainland markets prompted investors to dump Chinese stocks in late trade, driving the key index below the 24,000-point level. The Hang Seng index finished down 327.12 points or 1.4 percent at 23,984.57. Turnover was $HK83.4 billion ($10.7 billion). The Shanghai Composite Index closed down 5.5 percent, with banks leading the rout amid worries over a possible new round of monetary tightening. Subscriptions for Jinduicheng Molybdenum's initial public offering also took away funds from the secondary market. Mainland insurers were among the major decliners in Hong Kong, with China Life Insurance Co down 3.7 percent at $HK 29 and Ping Ang down 3.9 percent at $63. Fresh worries over the global economy sparked by an IMF report on the widening credit crisis also weighed on local shares. On Tuesday the IMF said worldwide losses stemming from the subprime mortgage crisis could come in close to $1 trillion, much more than earlier projections, as the effects spread in the global economy. "The worst of the crisis is not yet over. It may last until the end of the year. Investors will go for cover and sell their holdings," said Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities. Oil refiner China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec) tumbled 3.8 percent to HK$7.01. Oil prices rose toward $109 per barrel in Asian trade this morning before the release later Wednesday of the weekly report on U.S. energy stockpiles. Mainland offshore oil producer CNOOC slid 2.8 percent to HK$11.98. Market watchers believe oil industry fundamentals will not support the current high prices for crude. A correction in oil prices could trigger a slide in CNOOC's share price, which had risen sharply on record high crude prices. PetroChina was down 3.6 percent at HK$10.26. Shares in Hong Kong-based fashion retailer Esprit Holdings fell on worries over lower retail sales in Germany, its single biggest market. The stock was down 3.8 percent at HK$90.00. Cellphone carrier China Unicom lost 3.2 percent at HK$16.36. Air China fell 6.4 percent to HK$6.14 on reports that it will borrow 80 billion yuan from banks to boost its working capital and sell up to 400 million shares on the mainland to fund its aircraft acquisition. China's biggest international airline is expecting the number of passengers it carries to rise 15 percent this year to 40 million. China Coal Energy rose 1.4 percent to HK$15.04 before the company's announcement of its 2007 earnings later Wednesday. China's second-largest coal company is expected to report 86.4 percent growth in net profit to 5.91 billion yuan, according to analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial. Metal stocks corrected after Tuesday's sharp rally. Gold Miner Zijin Mining tumbled 7 percent to HK$8 and Angang Steel slid 4 percent to HK$18.96. Aluminum Corp of China (Chalco) fell 4 percent to HK$12.96.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dow Jone ups 391 pts, KLCI downs 11 pts..WHY???
while all the other bourses performing well following the DJ , Malaysia KLCI down by 11 pts!! What an upset to Malaysians!
Major reason to the down fall of KLCI is due to the political turnmoil fueled by ex-PM TUN Mahatir. It seems like no body is qualified to be the PM except himself.
子曰 "不在其位,不谋其政",meaning" if you are not holding the position , don't talk". Of course one cannot expect TUN M to understand the meaning. He simply the BEST!!!No other candidate can be better!
If this political scene prolongs, you can only expect the market to perform worse regardless how other markets perform. All the 9MP and Corridors are just an illusions or castle in the air! Nothing more than dreaming!
Major reason to the down fall of KLCI is due to the political turnmoil fueled by ex-PM TUN Mahatir. It seems like no body is qualified to be the PM except himself.
子曰 "不在其位,不谋其政",meaning" if you are not holding the position , don't talk". Of course one cannot expect TUN M to understand the meaning. He simply the BEST!!!No other candidate can be better!
If this political scene prolongs, you can only expect the market to perform worse regardless how other markets perform. All the 9MP and Corridors are just an illusions or castle in the air! Nothing more than dreaming!
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