Dedicated to those who truly believe in Global Local, seeking investment opportunities abroad especially mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. 立足大马 放眼世界 见证中国的崛起 捉紧投资大中华的机会!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Shan Cha

Hawthorn Fruit

【性味与归经】 酸、甘、微温。归脾、胃、肝经。
【功能与主治】 消食健胃,行气散瘀。用于肉食积滞,胃脘胀满,泻痢腹痛,瘀血经闭,产后瘀阻,心腹刺痛,疝气疼痛;高脂血症。焦山楂消食导滞作用增强。用于肉食积滞,泻痢不爽。
【性味与归经】 酸、甘、微温。归脾、胃、肝经。
【功能与主治】 消食健胃,行气散瘀。用于肉食积滞,胃脘胀满,泻痢腹痛,瘀血经闭,产后瘀阻,心腹刺痛,疝气疼痛;高脂血症。焦山楂消食导滞作用增强。用于肉食积滞,泻痢不爽。
Thursday, November 11, 2010
JPM Downgrades Shineway To Underweight Vs Neutral
JPMorgan downgrades Shineway Pharmaceutical (2877.HK) to Underweight vs Neutral after 3Q10 results show slowing growth. House expects more margin pressure as more drugs it sold added to essential drug list program starting 2011; drugs on list have to have their margins lowered. House also cuts target price to HK$20.00 vs HK$21.00 after lowering FY10-FY11 sales by 9.6%-15.8% on weak 3Q10 sales. "In our view, the margin pressure for Shineway is greater than that of its peers due to its portfolio of cheaper products and its above-average margins," says JPM. Adds, prefers United Laboratories (3933.HK) because of its exciting new product portfolio (which includes diabetic insulin) and lower risk of any margin compression that comes from new government initiatives. Shineway Pharmaceutical last down 1.2% at HK$25.55
The Federal Reserve’s new round of quantitative easing is expected to bring U.S. dollar under pressure over the next six months and increase risks of global inflation and asset bubbles in the long run. China has recently raised its key
interest rate for the first time since 2007 in order to combat inflation and rising
property prices. This move reflected a turning point of China’s monetary policy
and change in government’s top priority from “growth” to “inflation”. We expect to see more rate hikes in 2011 but the impact on stock market will be similar to the previous cycle in our view. During the period from April 2006 to October 2007, China lifted 1-year lending rate from 5.58% to 7.29% while the Shanghai SE Composite Index surged from approximately 1,400 to 6,000 and the Hang Seng Index (“HSI”) climbed from approximately 17,000 to 32,000. The possibility of a bull cycle for China and Hong Kong stock markets over the next 6 to 12 months is also supported by fundamental valuation. According to market estimates, the HSI(at 24,144)is now trading at 2010 PER of 15.3x which is close to the historical averages of 15.9x, 15.4x and 14.8x over the past 10, 20 and 30 years respectively.Obviously, current valuation of the HSI is not cheap but certainly not at a risky level. We maintain our year-end target for the HSI at 24,000-25,000 and believe the index would reach 28,000 in 2011. Any pull back should be viewed as a buying opportunity.
Chinese banking sector is our top favourite among H shares for the rest of the year because (i) third-quarter earnings of banks were largely above market expectations, (ii) further rate hikes will improve net interest margin resulting in earnings upgrade, (iii) current valuation of banks, trading at 2011 PER of 8.5x-13.0x or 10.1x on average, is still cheap by historical standard or compared with HSCEI.
Our top picks remains ICBC (1398) and CCB (939). On the other hand, we continue to take a cautious view on Chinese property stocks given unfavourable
government policies. However, those with robust property sales revenue and strong executive capability should deserve a positive re-rating such as Evergrande (3333). Our price target for Evergrande is $4.20.
Investors who prefer to trade laggards may consider the following stocks. Angang Steel’s (347) share price dropped 2% in October since the company recorded a loss in the third quarter. However, we expect earnings to make a sharp rebound in the fourth quarter amid a rise in steel price. Our price target for Angang Steel is $14.80.
SMIC (981), the largest semiconductor foundry in Mainland China, reported
better-than-expected third quarter earnings. We believe the counter deserves a positive re-rating with a price target of $0.75 based on P/B of 1.25x. New World Development (17), the smallest blue chip property company, is currently trading at a discount of 42% to NAV. Further increase in Hong Kong’s property prices will eventually trigger a re-rating of property stock with deep discount to NAV in our view. Our price target for New World Development is $19.60.
The Federal Reserve’s new round of quantitative easing is expected to bring U.S. dollar under pressure over the next six months and increase risks of global inflation and asset bubbles in the long run. China has recently raised its key
interest rate for the first time since 2007 in order to combat inflation and rising
property prices. This move reflected a turning point of China’s monetary policy
and change in government’s top priority from “growth” to “inflation”. We expect to see more rate hikes in 2011 but the impact on stock market will be similar to the previous cycle in our view. During the period from April 2006 to October 2007, China lifted 1-year lending rate from 5.58% to 7.29% while the Shanghai SE Composite Index surged from approximately 1,400 to 6,000 and the Hang Seng Index (“HSI”) climbed from approximately 17,000 to 32,000. The possibility of a bull cycle for China and Hong Kong stock markets over the next 6 to 12 months is also supported by fundamental valuation. According to market estimates, the HSI(at 24,144)is now trading at 2010 PER of 15.3x which is close to the historical averages of 15.9x, 15.4x and 14.8x over the past 10, 20 and 30 years respectively.Obviously, current valuation of the HSI is not cheap but certainly not at a risky level. We maintain our year-end target for the HSI at 24,000-25,000 and believe the index would reach 28,000 in 2011. Any pull back should be viewed as a buying opportunity.
Chinese banking sector is our top favourite among H shares for the rest of the year because (i) third-quarter earnings of banks were largely above market expectations, (ii) further rate hikes will improve net interest margin resulting in earnings upgrade, (iii) current valuation of banks, trading at 2011 PER of 8.5x-13.0x or 10.1x on average, is still cheap by historical standard or compared with HSCEI.
Our top picks remains ICBC (1398) and CCB (939). On the other hand, we continue to take a cautious view on Chinese property stocks given unfavourable
government policies. However, those with robust property sales revenue and strong executive capability should deserve a positive re-rating such as Evergrande (3333). Our price target for Evergrande is $4.20.
Investors who prefer to trade laggards may consider the following stocks. Angang Steel’s (347) share price dropped 2% in October since the company recorded a loss in the third quarter. However, we expect earnings to make a sharp rebound in the fourth quarter amid a rise in steel price. Our price target for Angang Steel is $14.80.
SMIC (981), the largest semiconductor foundry in Mainland China, reported
better-than-expected third quarter earnings. We believe the counter deserves a positive re-rating with a price target of $0.75 based on P/B of 1.25x. New World Development (17), the smallest blue chip property company, is currently trading at a discount of 42% to NAV. Further increase in Hong Kong’s property prices will eventually trigger a re-rating of property stock with deep discount to NAV in our view. Our price target for New World Development is $19.60.
Friday, November 5, 2010
四环医药控股集团有限公司 股票编号: 00460
SIHUAN PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS GROUP LTD. 集团网址: http://www.sihuanpharm.com
- 集团主要供应14种药物,用於治疗心脑血管及中枢神经系统。其中「克林澳」、「安捷利」为唯一经国家药监局批准含特定活性成分的药物品牌,共占集团2009年度及2010年6月止半年度总收入57・3%及57・7%。另亦销售仿制药及抗敏感药。
- 於2010年10月,集团拥有2支共333人的研发团队,成功开发13种产品,并取得12种产品的全国分销权。集团在中国持有99项专利,另有233项专利正在申请当中,在国外有4项。大部分产品已列入国家及省级医保药品目录及国家基本药物目录,并受政府的零售价格上限管制。集团正开发逾30种产品,包括
- 至2010年10月止,集团分销网络覆盖31个省市及自治区近一万家医院,占所有三级医院70%、二级医院55%,以及5400家一级及其他医院与医疗机构。
- 集团产品的主要原材料为活性药物成分,最大供应商为Harbin Tri-Lion
- 集团拥有一间克林澳API生产厂、一间锅炉房及一间接待办事处(总面积为2932平方米)、一个扩建设施及一间口服固体药包装厂,总面积为782平方米(未获建设规划许可证)。集团共经营六条综合生产线, 所有生产设施均获国家药监局的GMP认证。
- 截至2010年6月30日止半年度,集团营业额上升46・9%至4・73亿元(人民币;下同),股东应占溢利上升1・1倍至2・55亿元。期内业务概况如下:
- 2009年度,集团营业额上升39%至7・09亿元(人民币;下同),股东应占溢利上升37・7%至3・26亿元。年内业务概况如下:
- 於2010年10月,集团业务发展策略概述如下:
- 2010年10月,集团发售新股上市,估计集资净额为63・36亿港元,拟用作以下用途:
- 2010年10月,以每股$4・6,发行及配售12・5亿股新股上市,另超额配售1・875亿股。
- 「预期截至2010年12月31日止年度之股东应占溢利将不少於5亿元人民币,全面摊薄每股盈利不少於人民币10分。」
- 集团主要供应14种药物,用於治疗心脑血管及中枢神经系统。其中「克林澳」、「安捷利」为唯一经国家药监局批准含特定活性成分的药物品牌,共占集团2009年度及2010年6月止半年度总收入57・3%及57・7%。另亦销售仿制药及抗敏感药。
- 於2010年10月,集团拥有2支共333人的研发团队,成功开发13种产品,并取得12种产品的全国分销权。集团在中国持有99项专利,另有233项专利正在申请当中,在国外有4项。大部分产品已列入国家及省级医保药品目录及国家基本药物目录,并受政府的零售价格上限管制。集团正开发逾30种产品,包括
- 至2010年10月止,集团分销网络覆盖31个省市及自治区近一万家医院,占所有三级医院70%、二级医院55%,以及5400家一级及其他医院与医疗机构。
- 集团产品的主要原材料为活性药物成分,最大供应商为Harbin Tri-Lion
- 集团拥有一间克林澳API生产厂、一间锅炉房及一间接待办事处(总面积为2932平方米)、一个扩建设施及一间口服固体药包装厂,总面积为782平方米(未获建设规划许可证)。集团共经营六条综合生产线, 所有生产设施均获国家药监局的GMP认证。
- 截至2010年6月30日止半年度,集团营业额上升46・9%至4・73亿元(人民币;下同),股东应占溢利上升1・1倍至2・55亿元。期内业务概况如下:
- 2009年度,集团营业额上升39%至7・09亿元(人民币;下同),股东应占溢利上升37・7%至3・26亿元。年内业务概况如下:
- 於2010年10月,集团业务发展策略概述如下:
- 2010年10月,集团发售新股上市,估计集资净额为63・36亿港元,拟用作以下用途:
- 2010年10月,以每股$4・6,发行及配售12・5亿股新股上市,另超额配售1・875亿股。
- 「预期截至2010年12月31日止年度之股东应占溢利将不少於5亿元人民币,全面摊薄每股盈利不少於人民币10分。」
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Shanghai Electric(2727.HK) L/T Winner.
STOCK CALL: Citigroup raises Shanghai Electric (2727.HK) target price to HK$5.50 from HK$4.00 on expectation of more profits from new energy business, overseas orders. Says company's plan to sell US$8.29 billion worth of coal-fired equipment to India's Reliance ADA Group will boost orders on hand by 28%; revenue by US$500-600 million per year (6-7% its FY09 revenue). Notes hedging has been done to mitigate yuan appreciation risk. Says new energy division remains on growth drive; expects revenue of this division would surge to CNY13.8 billion in FY11 from CNY7.9 billion in FY10, underpinned by more nuclear equipment sales. Keeps stock at Buy.
Shanghai Elec Tipped L/T Winner
Dongfang Electric (1072.HK) +3.5% at HK$41.90 on top of 7.4% rally yesterday, which came on analysts-beating 3Q results; intraday high of HK$41.90 marks fresh 52-week high. Daiwa raises Dongfang's 6-month target price to HK$44.40 from HK$38.50, keeps Buy call; says strong 3Q results "driven by strong gross-profit-margin expansion," revises up FY10-12 EPS forecasts by 6.4%-8.2% to incorporate 3Q earnings surprise. Still, despite positive view on stock intact, Daiwa believes peer Shanghai Electric (2727.HK) "may be a long-term winner" in nuclear business, given its strong positioning in AP1000 (a third-generation technology), while Dongfang has been focused mainly on CPR (a 2.5-generation technology). Shanghai Electric +3.8% at HK$5.42.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
CLSA raises Shanghai Electric (2727.HK) target price to HK$5.60 vs HK$4.50 after lifting stock price multiple to 16X 2012 earnings based on likelihood of earnings upside, improved earnings visibility. Says new orders reinforce house preference for company over Dongfang Electric (1072.HK). "We expect that the valuation gap with Dongfang Electric will narrow, and it remains our top pick among the equipment suppliers." says CLSA. Adds, Shanghai Electric currently trading on 13.4X FY12 P/E vs Dongfang Electric's 20X FY12 suppliers. Keeps stock at Buy. Shares last +3.8% at HK$4.89, but off early high of HK$5.06, after announcing US$8.3 billion order with India's Reliance ADA Group
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